Dreamtime: RITUAL
September 13 - November 17, 2024

Explore the wisdom in your dreams. Craft a personal ritual.
Dive deeply into inner work at a weekend retreat.
Connect deeply to yourself, others and the Unseen.

Virtual: Fridays, September 13 - November 8, 3-4pm PST
Retreat: Thursday, November 14 - Sunday November 17 near Granite Falls, WA

Dreamtime: RITUAL is an invitation to Self. Co-created by dream-guides, ritual practitioners, and seasoned therapists, we are drawing together body/soul/heart practices that have shaped our own healing journeys. In this way, RITUAL is a way to honor and pass on the gift we have received. 

RITUAL is a hybrid, holistic experience: a series of virtual meetings over nine weeks to build our container, engage deeply in dream work and prepare ourselves for the culminating 3-night retreat. This work can lead to the discovery of old wounds, the necessity of grief, the language of love, and new energy to continue the work of individuation. 

Three main practices will shape our time at the retreat: dream work, breathwork, and personal ritual; each a threshold in their own unique way. 

  • Dream work invites our curiosity to the inner landscape of our psychic and emotional lives, illuminating shadow elements in our personalities and expanding our image of “I.” We will use the images and narratives encountered here as a lens to inform our personal ritual. 

    Breathwork is a safe, accessible way to expand body awareness, promote nervous system regulation, and experience dreamy, non-ordinary states of consciousness. We are particularly interested in bringing images, dreams, and emotional states from dream content into breathwork (“breathe the dream”) to allow for deeper layers of integration to occur. 

    Through personal ritual work in a ceremonial setting, which is a long forgotten practice in many modern cultures, the mythic/symbolic truth made accessible through dream and breathwork is embodied in the here and now. You will have the opportunity, with guidance, to create and enact a personal ritual for greater healing and expansion. 

    This experience is a journey into mind, heart, body and soul. Our gratitude to these practices in our own lives is immense, and is matched by the joy and honor we experience facilitating spaces dedicated to connection, healing, and love.

    Dreamtime: RITUAL is valued at over $2,400.00, but we are capping registration at $1,400. 

    In the spirit of gratitude and continual learning we are committed to offering this initial Dreamtime: RITUAL cohort as close to cost as possible. This allows us to cover accommodations, food, travel, and materials for the in person portion of the cohort. 

    Can we partner with you for your personal growth? Will you allow this experience to open your heart? Will you take this step towards greater authenticity and connection? 

    There will never be a better time than now.

  • What will I experience during Dreamtime: RITUAL?
    RITUAL is an expansion of our original Dreamtime cohorts. RITUAL is a 10-week virtual dream appreciation group focused on exploring and harnessing the wisdom in your dreams to craft a personal ritual. This cohort culminates in an in-person weekend retreat dedicated to intensive inner work, focused around dreams.

    Each weekly 60-minute RITUAL session includes a centering practice and time for two dreamers to offer and explore a dream. Dreamers work one-on-one with a facilitator and can, if they wish, receive feedback from the group. Sessions conclude with a brief closing ritual.

    RITUAL culminates with an in-person 2-day, 3-night retreat focused on intensive dreamwork and moving through the personal ritual you have developed over the course of the cohort. The retreat will include time in nature, art making, Council, movement and breathwork practices, and processing dreams.

    Our time together:
    Virtual Dreamtime Sessions: Friday’s from 3:00-4:00 PM PST beginning Sept 13 - Nov 8

    In Person Retreat: Thursday Nov 14 @ 6:00 PM - Sunday Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM

    During RITUAL, you will receive:

    • the opportunity to share and work with 2 of your own dreams

    • support from experienced dream guides

    • the chance to witness and learn from other dreamers

    • a weekly practice to support your ongoing dreamwork

    • A 1:1 consultation with a dream guide about your personal ritual

    • deep relationship with other dreamers

    • a rejuvenating weekend retreat dedicated to inner work

    • the ongoing connection to the wisdom in your dreams

    What will I take away from RITUAL?
    Through RITUAL you will have the opportunity to:

    • develop skills to work with dream content through embodied practice

    • practice being a witness to your own and others’ dreams

    • gain access to inner clarity and creative alignment

    • enjoy greater self-awareness and support from tending to dream imagery

    • build connection with a community of curious and supportive dreamers

    Why RITUAL?
    Through designing and practicing a personal, dream-informed ritual in a supportive group environment you create the context to activate the desires of the heart, welcome wounds and grief, encounter stubborn fears, and embrace the archetypal power stored in the collective unconscious. As Soulcraft author Bill Plotkin puts it, through ritual “...you uncover sacred layers of your humanity.”

    What is a personal ritual?
    As you share dreams with the group during Dreamtime sessions we will invite you to take notice of themes and emerging patterns along the way. Perhaps a recurring character continues to visit, or a particular sequence of events continues to play out. Whatever emerges will be unique to you, and we will invite you to consider what your dreams are leading you to ask, confront, embody, and/or bring to life.  

    We will welcome the ideas, feelings, images, and symbols in your dreams as the mystery of life speaking to you. Your personal ritual enactment is a powerful way to respond to the mystery and expand the conversation you are capable of having with the world. (Plotkin / Soulcraft). 

    Your personal ritual may look like:

    • Enacting a scene or sequence of events from dream life to deepen your connection to the emotional current 

    • Offering a poem, dance, song, or other creative expression of soul 

    • Confronting a fear or perceived limitation manifesting in dream imagery 

    • Connecting with different parts of yourself and harder to access emotions 

    • Taking back power or releasing old narratives 

    • Symbolically marking a wound and inviting the transformative power of grief 

    However it manifests, your personal ritual is an enactment of deep inner truth — a response to the stirring calling out from your soul.

    If this sounds intense, you’re right. If it makes you nervous, allow that to happen. If you’re afraid you’ll do it wrong, bring that too. 

    This is a wild encounter with Self, and it is deeply good.

    Who is RITUAL for?
    RITUAL is designed for individuals who have previous experience engaging with their inner work. Openness to sharing and witnessing dreams and personal rituals is required. Attending a previous retreat focused on inner work or dreamwork is strongly recommended.

    If dreamwork or inner work is new for you, please consider our original Dreamtime cohorts or reach out for guidance.

    How will you be supported in this process? 
    The work that is yours alone is not done alone. We are here with you and for you every step of the way. In addition to providing support through group sessions, we will also schedule a personal one-on-one consultation with each participant to support your ritual design. On site, we will be available to guide, encourage, and support your process as much as we are able.

    Where will the retreat be held?
    The RITUAL retreat will be held in person at a secluded residence outside of Granite Falls, WA.

    What amenities are included?
    Sleeping accommodations, prepared meals including snacks, coffee, tea, etc, access to nature, hot tub, fire pit, space for silence.

    How big will the group be?
    Space is limited to a maximum of 8 participants in order to create an intimate container and provide each dreamer with three opportunities to present dream content over the course of the group.

    Will I earn CEU’S from this group?
    Dreamtime does not provide CEUs. This offering is designed solely for personal development.