How did we end up here?
It all started with a picnic table and a snake…
Matthew and Graham met at a wilderness spiritual retreat in the Methow Valley. Chatting at a picnic table one day about our shared curiosity in dreamwork, we decided to start our own dream appreciation practice together—just to see what might happen. As we named on our intention, a large, black snake slithered its way across our path. An auspicious omen to say the least.
Since then we’ve spent years sharing and working through dreams with one another, in group contexts and in our own therapeutic journeys. We have found new depths of wonder, strength, healing and creativity in this ancient practice—and real joy in the connection dreaming together brings.
In the summer of 2023, hiking through the wilds of Central Washington, we wondered aloud, “Would anyone else want to do this with us?”
The answer is yes. It’s why you’re reading this and why we’ve continued to fill Dreamtime offerings with curious dreamers like you.
Our intention is to continue to create spaces—online and in-person—to provide guidance and space for folks to deeply encounter the hidden wisdom, creativity and inner knowing of their dreams in the context of supportive community.